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2 ways to invoke the debugger:

  1. launching debugger once a program is called and reaching a specific line number:

Launch a “Break” command (or  Shift + Backspace if break is de-activated) then: B <space> line nb , program name‘ The line number should correspond to an instruction line (not a comment!). The debugger has then recorded this process stop. Strike ‘”C”‘ to continue & quit the debugger. Execute all required actions in T24, if the specified program is called and pass though the line number indicated, debugger will be prompted.

Example :


will invoke the debugger in the  “MM.MONEY.MARKET” the program and will stop on line 127.

  1. adding “DEBUG” directly in a program.

Useful Instructions keys:

P : set the source path; useful when line numbers are different between debug/source. Example: “P BPT”

S : go to next instruction. s : go to next instruction, + enter in all CALL / GOSUB.

C : finish the program execution.

V : <variable> : display a variable content.

V -M : <variable> : allows to dynamically assign a value to a variable (debugger will prompt for a value).

W : show where you are in the program (current line +/- 5 lines).

J -G : show all program context

B : display all break points. You can add a new breakpoint during the debug itself.

D delete all break points set (or to get out from a loop).
Delimiter displayed:

delim. using debugger using a CRT ASCII delim. type
IM _   255 1
FM ^ ؟ 254 2
VM ] ÿ 253 3
SM \ ü 252 4
TM \373 û 251 5

“delim. type” is returned for example by “REMOVE var FROM array SETTING delim. type”

More resources on Jbase Debugger:

offical JBase materials

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