Multivalued fields

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Multivalued fields

  • This is a very specific characteristic attached to the RDBMS included with GLOBUS / T24 ( Universe or J-Base?).

Surprisingly, this data-type is coming with latests release of Oracle, MS-Access 2007,…Premonitory?

  • It consists into creating multiple occurrences of a field. From a user point of view, it means simply defining and attaching a new field or a brand new table to an existing table.

If you consider a DB table having 2 dimensions: 1 for fields list, 1 for fields records when populated, you can consider Multivalued fields as a third dimension.

Technically speaking, a multivlued field is just a field that contain multiple data separated by a specific character (Value Marker) e.g. on the DB physical layer, multi-dimensional fields are not even considered. Only application programs are showing one field content (data delimited with a specific character) as multiple ones.

  • There’s no need of DBA’s maintenance to create this, or even RDBMS stopping to take new Multivalued fields into account, it’s fully in an end-user control.


  • The counterparts data file is called “CUSTOMER” in GLOBUS / T24.

A list of around 30 attributes is available in the standardtable to qualify a counterpart/client. Because this is clearly not sufficient in most cases,  an empty occurrence of Multivalued fields is provided to complete the definition. Each occurrence of this multivalued field becomes a new attribute itself. And there’s no limitation in the number of occurrences.

  • This gives the ability to describe a counterpart/client using 100 or more different attributes (geographical region, marketing segment, marital status, age segment, profile of management or whatever) by simply clicking on occurrences!
Universe/J-Base also includes subvalued fields: this means for a specific multivalued field, 1 to n sub-value occurrences can also be created. With this, flexibility to cope with business needs is total.

One comment

  1. The multi-valued fields are not extra dimensions, but sub-dimensions.

    if you would like to picture it, you must use (for example) XML datatype in SQL Server’s (2008/R2/2012 and on) database. Then, you may have an accurate representation of multi-sub-values (even in more depth, sub-sub-sub valued etc) and search for it using FOR XML clause.
    The view of multi-value field as a separated object (dimension etc) is incorrect (plus, it carries the burden of primary key derail : if you have a multivalue field as a separate object you must connect it to the original table using FK relationship and this is another discussion).

    Thank you for hosting.

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