Position Management

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Ce document présente les principales fonctionnalités liées au module PM. Cette application « horizontale » a pour but de mettre à disposition des outils de gestion des risques de taux, de change et de trésorerie. Utilisant ses propres tables d’historiques, il est livré avec un ensemble d’enquiries couvrant ces trois risques.


Ce module permet d’utiliser des requêtes (enquiries ) paramétrables au moyen de codes montants (codes classes), et dont les routines de calculs sont pré-définies. Il possède ses propres tables d’historiques. Il fonctionne en temps réel, la mise à jour par les transactions se faisant avant l’autorisation. Les modules Mortgages et Fiduciaires en sont exclus à ce jour. La mise à jour des tables « online » comme PM.TRAN.ACTIVITY est hard-codée.

Un standard est livré pour chacune des enquiry :  CAS (suivi de trésorerie prévisionnelle), NOS (position Nostri), GAP (impasse de taux), NPV ( calculs de VAN), FXP (position de change), DURATION ( :-), … liste complétée régulièrement de release en release. En G11, plusieurs autres enquiries ont été ajoutées.

Il complète le module LIMIT qui gère les risques de contrepartie, de pays, de devises et d’industries (risque contrepartie est online, les 3 autres par rapports produits par l’EOD).

La table PM.POSN.REFERENCE décrit le contenu des 3 autres types de risques gérés par ce module : Trésorerie : clé = CAS Taux : clé = GAP Change : clé = FXP

i.e. ces définition incluent tous les types de montants associés à chaque catégorie de transaction qui doivent entrer dans le périmètre du risque à contrôler. Ensuite, les différentes enquiries disponibles utilisent ces clé (données) pour les représenter sous des formes diverses, au moyen de PM.ENQ.PARAM. Il existe donc « n » déclinaisons possibles de ces trois clé, en associant des calendriers (par dates ou par périodes différents), des types de calculs différents (sensibilités, duration, gap, etc… ; positions de change, résultats de change, etc… ;positions nostri, positions comptes internes, etc…)

Deux méthodes d’utilisation existent pour les enquiries on-line (jusqu’en G11):

La « classique », utilisant la table PM.POSN.REFERENCE pour la définition des classes à utiliser, et attaquant la table PM.POSN.REAL.TIME d’historique consolidé. Elle figure en  sur le modèle relationnel. Les changements de paramétrages ont un impact après les traitements d’End of Day (Batch).

La « nouvelle », consolidant les données historiques de PM.DLY.POSN.CLASS lors de l’exécution des enquiries type PM.CAS, etc…, elle peut utiliser la table PM.POSN.REFERENCE pour le paramétrage ou suivre ses propres classes dans PM.ENQ.PARAM, et est référencée  sur le modèle de données. Elle est un peu plus longue que la méthode suivante lors du traitement de l’enquiry, mais prend en compte instantanément les changements de paramétrages (classes).

NB :  En G11, une refonte du module a été faite pour que toutes les enquiries n’attaquent plus qu’une seule table : PM.DLY POSN.CLASS. Il existe également un patch ref. PMP0283 permettant cette refonte dès la G 10.2.02.

Au delà des tables indiquées dans le modèle relationnel qui suit, il existe quelques tables supplémentaires :

PM.xx . PARAM (avec xx correspondant aux modules LD, SW, SC, etc…) : Permet de définir de manière précise le contenu des classes utilisées, i.e. faire le lien entre les champs de données applicatives et les codes propres à PM. La dernière partie « Tips » inclut des remarques sur ces tables. Exemple : PM.SC.PARAM permet de régir les données provenant des portefeuilles titres de la banque, en fonction du type comptable :   Pour « TRADING », toutes les transactions doivent apparaître dans un horizon de 3 semaines, pour « INVESTMENT », l’horizon court jusqu’à la maturité des titres en position.

Certains modules comme AC, TT ou encore MM sont hard-codés sur la définition des classes.

Enfin, pour inclure dans PM des positions non gérées dans Globus, un point d’entrée PM.POSITION.CAPTURE est disponible. Ces saisies s’intègrent dans les historiques de PM en associant les codes propres au module (classes).

Modèle Fonctionnel


Ces codes montants sont hard-codés pour la plupart. A ce jour, les modules LD, AC et FX sont  paramétrables, donnant la possibilité d’associer soit des catégories, soit des évènement à ces codes. Il est vivement conseillé d’utiliser les prédéfinitions existantes.

On peut également créer des clés de Position Class pour les activités non couvertes par Globus (cf PM.POSITION.CAPTURE).

Figure ci dessous un extrait de la documentation standard relative aux classes. Un commentaire cependant sur leur structure :

Les positions 1 et 2 représentent les modules applicatifs concernés (MM, LD, SW,…)Si la position 3 est une lettre entre A et E, les positions 3 et 4 donnent une indication de type « comptes » i.e. généralement : BS pour les mouvements sur comptes Nostro, AS sur comptes internes. Si la position 3 est une lettre supérieure à E, les positions 3 et 4 donnent une indication de type applicatif (donc autres que comptes). Ex : IN pour INtérêts, SL pour Straight Line, …La dernière position est documentée dans le User Guide (ref PM.DOC – chap. 24-48), est qui est reproduite supra.

Extrait du User Guide sur PM, concernant la codification des classes :

The full list of accounting movement last characters is as follows:

 C  –     Discount taken D  –     Principal Decrease F  –     Forward FX H  –     Hedge FRAs I  –     Principal Increase I  –     Interest FX interest hedge M  –     Principal at maturity P  –     Principal repayment LDs P  –     Principal FX interest hedce R  –     Principal repayment MM S  –     Principal at start, non FX S  –     Spot FX T  –     Trade FRAs

             As  it can be seen you need to be very careful when attempting to identify and allocate
             accounts related position classes.

             Using the Money Market example the last character 'C' of the accounting position class will be substituted by the following:

             •   'S' to signify start ( or principal start)
             •   'M' to signify maturity ( or principal maturity)                        
             •   'N' to signify interest ( or interest capitalisation)


             •   MMMPS produces an accounting movement defined as MMBSS
             •   MMMPM produces an accounting movement defined as MMBSM                                             
             •   MMMIC produces an accounting movement defined as MMBSN

If the class overnight, class on-line spread and class on-line actual fields are set then the above example would produce six accounts related position activities (three on-line

             spread and three on-line actual) and three application specific activities.

If more than one PM.AC.PARAM record is defined then the number of accounts related activities will be further increased, i.e. from 6 to 12, if the CATEGORY code of the ACCOUNT is specified on both records.

             Using the above example it can be seen that it is very easy to generate rather more
             information than is actually necessary.

Liste des PM.POSN.CLASS recommendées pour chaque application

AC:       For NON – NOSTRO Accounts –

          ACACC =   AC-Cash Overnight Valued dated Balance
          ACAIC =   AC-Cash Overnight Accrued Interest
          ACAGG =   AC-Gap Overnight Valued dated Balance
          ACALG =   AC-Gap Overnight Accrued Interest
          ACASC =   AC-Cash Online Movements Spread.
          ACAAC =   AC-Cash Online Movements Actual.
          ACAHG =   AC-Gap Online Movements Spread.
          ACAKG =   AC-Gap Online Movements Actual.

          For NOSTRO accounts -
          ACBCC =   AC-Cash Overnight Valued dated Balance
          ACBIC =   AC-Cash Overnight Accrued Interest
          ACBGG =   AC-Gap Overnight Valued dated Balance
          ACBLG =   AC-Gap Overnight Accrued Interest
          ACBSC =   AC-Cash Online Movements Spread.
          ACBAC =   AC-Cash Online Movements Actual.
          ACBHG =   AC-Gap Online Movements Spread.
          ACBKG =   AC-Gap Online Movements Actual.

DC:       DCFDC =   DC-Currency Position Activity

          DCaaa =   DC-Cash/Gap Account Activity.
                    (Entry across an account)

FR:       FRFRS =   FRA Start

          FRFRM =   FRA Maturity
          FRXLM =   FRA Loan of a settled deal
          FRXDM =   FRA Deposit of a settled deal
          FRXNM =   FRA Net rate of a settled deal
          FRaaC =   FRA Settlement
          FRaaH =   FRA Estimated Settlement - Hedge.
          FRaaT =   FRA Estimated Settlement - Trade.

FT:       FTFFT =   FT-Currency Position Activity

          FTaaa =   FT-Cash/Gap Account Activity
                    (entry across an Account)

FX:       FXFXP =   Forex SP and SW/FW rebate FX Position

          FXFSW =   Forex SW/FW IN/SL FX Position
          FXSWS =   Forex SW IN/SL Start
          FXSWM =   Forex SW In/SL Maturity
          FXFSP =   Forex FW interest hedge FX Position
          FXIHS =   Forex FW interest hedge gap start (spot)
          FXIHM =   Forex FW interest hedge gap maturity
          FXIMS =   Forex FW interest method gap start (spot)
          FXIMM =   Forex FW interest method gap maturity
          FXSLS =   Forex FW straight line gap start (spot)
          FXSLM =   Forex FW straight line gap maturity
          FXaaS =   Forex Spot Cash/Gap Account Activity.
          FXaaF =   Forex FW Cash/Gap Account Activity.
          FXaaP =   Forex FW IHedge Principal Account
          FXaaI =   Forex FW IHedge Interest Account Activity.
          ALFAL =   Asset Liability Position

LD:       LDXST =   LD Principal Activity Start – Gap

          LDXMG =   LD Principal Activity Maturity - Gap
          LDXPT =   LD Principal Tax
          LDXPI =   LD Principal Increase - Gap
          LDXDG =   LD Principal Decrease - Gap
          LDXIC =   LD Interest Capitalisation
          LDXIT =   LD Interest Tax
          LDXPG =   LD Principal Repayment - Gap
          LDXCM =   LD Commission
          LDXCT =   LD Commission Tax
          LDXCH =   LD Charges
          LDXFE =   LD Fees
          LDXFI =   LD Forward Fixed Interest
          LDXVI =   LD Forward Variable Interest
          LDaaS =   LD Account Activity for Value date
          LDaaI =   LD Account Activity for Principal Increase
          LDaaD =   LD Account Activity for Principal Decrease
          LDaaM =   LD Account Activity for Principal at
          LDaaP =   LD Account Activity for Principal
          LDaaN =   LD Account Activity for Interest Payments
          LDaaC =   LD Account Activity for Discount Taken

MM        MMMPS =   MM  Principal Activity Start

          MMMPM =   MM  Principal Activity Maturity
          MMMPI =   MM  Principal Increase
          MMMPD =   MM  Principal Decrease/Repayment
          MMMRM =   MM  Rollover Maturity of old period
          MMMRS =   MM  Start of rollover period
          MMMIC =   MM  Interest Capitalisation
          MMaaS =   MM Account Activity for Value date
          MMaaI =   MM Account Activity for Principal Increase
          MMaaD =   MM Account Activity for Principal Decrease
          MMaaM =   MM Account Activity for Principal at
          MMaaN =   MM Account Activity for Interest at Maturity
          MMaaR =   MM Account Activity for Interest Payment

SC:       SCFSC =   SC-Currency Position Activity

          SCCSM =   SC-Cash Flow Position Principal
                    Activity - Maturity (from PM.SC.Param)
          SCGSM =   SC-Gap Position Activity - Maturity
                    (from PM.SC.Param)
          SCSCI =   SC-Cash Flow Position Interest
                    Activity - Maturity
          SCaaa =   SC -Account Activity (from deal).

TT:       TTFXP =   TT- Currency Position Activity

          TTaaa =   TT- Account Activity.
                    (entry across an Account)

Detailed explanation for each of these position class ID’s :

1.        ACCOUNT

ACACC = This represents the code which is associated to the cash

          activity record relating to the value dated balance as
          opening of business of Non Nostro Accounts.
          This class can be used as base for account movements at
          application level, when no spreading of movements over
          time is required.

ACAIC = This represents the code which is associated to the cash

          activity record relating to the amount of accrued interest
          and charges outstanding on Non Nostro Accounts.

ACAGG = This represents the code which is associated to the

          interest mismatch (gap) activity record relating to the
          value dated balance as at the opening of business of Non
          Nostro accounts.
          This class can be used as base for account movements at
          application level, when no spreading of movements over
          time is required.

ACALG = This represents the code which is associated to the

          interest mismatch (gap) activity record relating to the
          amount of accrued interest and charges outstanding on
          Non Nostro Accounts.

ACASC = This represents the code which is the base for cash

          account movements at application level, when the
          movements are to be spread over time for Non Nostro

ACAAC = This represents the code which is the base for cash

          account movements at application level, when movements
          are being spread over time and to allow for case where
          the actual movement is required this class is used for Non
          Nostro  Accounts.

ACAHG = This represents the code which is the base for interest

          mismatch (gap) account movements at application level,
          when the movements are to be spread over time for Non
          Nostro Accounts.

ACAKG = This represents the code which is the base for interest

          mismatch (gap) account movements at application level,
          when movements are being spread over time and to allow
          for case where the actual movement is required this class
          is used for Non Nostro  Accounts.

ACBCC = This represents the code which is associated to the cash

          activity record relating to the balance of Nostro
          This class can be used as base for account movements at
          application level, when no spreading of movements over
          time is required.

ACBIC = This represents the code which is associated to the cash

          activity record relating to the amount of accrued interest
          and charges outstanding on Nostro Accounts.

ACBGG = This represents the code which is associated to the

          interest mismatch (gap) activity record relating to the
          value dated balance as at the opening of business of
          Nostro accounts.
          This class can be used as base for account movements at
          application level, when no spreading of movements over
          time is required.

ACBLG = This represents the code which is associated to the

          interest mismatch (gap) activity record relating to the
          amount of accrued interest and charges outstanding on
          Nostro Accounts.

ACBSC = This represents the code which is the base for cash

          account movements at application level, when the
          movements are to be spread over time for Nostro

ACBAC = This represents the code which is the base for cash

          account movements at application level, when movements
          are being spread over time and to allow for case where
          the actual movement is required this class is used for
          Nostro Accounts.

ACBHG = This represents the code which is the base for interest

          mismatch (gap) account movements at application level,
          when the movements are to be spread over time for Nostro

ACBKG = This represents the code which is the base for interest

          mismatch (gap) account movements at application level,
          when movements are being spread over time and to allow
          for case where the actual movement is required this class
          is used for Nostro Accounts.

2         DATA CAPTURE

DCFDC = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          currency activity record generated from a Data Capture
          entry, impacting the Asset & Liability currency position.

DCaaa = This represents the code(s) which will be associated to

          the cash/gap account activity record(s) generated from
          any Data Capture entry for an Account.


FRFRS = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          (notional) PRINCIPAL activity record existing for the
          START (value date) of a FRA transaction.

FRFRM = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          (notional) PRINCIPAL activity record existing for the
          MATURITY (maturity date) of a FRA transaction.

FRXLM = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          Principal GAP Loan activity.  Value dated to the maturity
          of the FRA transaction.

FRXDM = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          Principal GAP Deposit activity.  Value dated to the
          maturity of the FRA transaction.

FRXNM = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          Principal net GAP activity.  Value dated to the maturity
          of the FRA transaction i.e. the rate difference between
          FRXLM and FRXDM.

FRaaC = This represents the code(s) which will be associated to

          the cash/gap account activity record(s) generated for
          the Settlement amount existing on the settlement (value)
          date of a FRA transaction.

FRaaH = This represents the code(s) which will be associated to

          the cash/gap account activity record(s) generated for
          the estimated settlement on a hedge deal.

FRaaT = This represents the code(s) which will be associated to

          the cash/gap account activity record(s) generated for
          the estimated settlement on a trade deal.


FTFFT = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          Currency activity records generated from a Funds
          Transfer Transaction impacting the Asset & Liability
          Currency Position.

FTaaa = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          Cash/Gap activity record generated from any Funds
          Transfer transaction.  A Cash activity record is only
          raised when the associated accounting entry is for an

5         FOREX

FXFXP = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          activity record deriving from a SPOT forex contract or a
          FORWARD/SWAP forex contract using the Rebate
          revaluation Method.

FXFSW = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          activity record deriving from a FORWARD/SWAP forex
          contract using the Interest or Straight Line revaluation
          method.  This activity record is used essentially to
          produce the currency position information.

FXSWS = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          activity record deriving from the SPOT leg of a SWAP
          contract using the Interest or Straight Line revaluation
          method.  This record corresponds to the START activity
          and is used essentially to produce, interest mismatch

FXSWM = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          activity record deriving from the FORWARD LEG of a
          SWAP contract  This record corresponds to the
          MATURITY activity and is used essentially to produce
          interest mismatch information.

FXFSP = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          activity record deriving from a FORWARD forex contract
          using the Interest Hedge revaluation method.  This
          activity record is used essentially to produce the
          currency position information.

FXIHS = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          activity record deriving from the SPOT date of a
          FORWARD contract using the Interest Hedge revaluation
          method.  This record corresponds to the START activity
          and is used essentially to produce, interest mismatch

FXIHM = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          activity record deriving from the VALUE date of a
          FORWARD contract using the Interest Hedge revaluation
          method.  This record corresponds to the MATURITY
          activity and is used essentially to produce, interest
          mismatch information.

FXIMS = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          activity record deriving from the SPOT date of a
          FORWARD contract using the Interest Method revaluation
          method.  This record corresponds to the START activity
          and is used essentially to produce, interest mismatch

FXIMM = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          activity record deriving from the VALUE date of a
          FORWARD contract using the Interest Method revaluation
          method.  This record corresponds to the MATURITY
          activity and is used essentially to produce, interest
          mismatch information.

FXSLS = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          activity record deriving from the SPOT date of a
          FORWARD contract using the Straight Line revaluation
          method.  This record corresponds to the START activity
          and is used essentially to produce, interest mismatch

FXSLM = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          activity record deriving from the VALUE date of a
          FORWARD contract using the Straight Line revaluation
          method.  This record corresponds to the MATURITY
          activity and is used essentially to produce, interest
          mismatch information.

FXaaS = This represents the code(s) which will be associated to

          the cash/gap account activity record(s) generated for
          the Forex Spot deal or the Spot leg of a swap deal.

FXaaF = This represents the code(s) which will be associated to

          the cash/gap account activity record(s) generated for
          the  Forex Forward deal, where the revaluation method is
          other than IH for the Forward leg of a swap deal.

FXaaP = This represents the code(s) which will be associated to

          the cash/gap account activity record(s) generated for
          the notional principal on a Forex Forward deal, where the
          revaluation method is IH.

FXaaI = This represents the code(s) which will be associated to

          the cash/gap account activity record(s) generated for
          the notional interest on a Forex Forward deal, where the
          revaluation method is IH.

ALFAL = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          Asset and Liability Currency Position.


LDXST = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          PRINCIPAL activity record existing for the START
          (value date) of a Loan or Deposit Transaction.

LDXMG = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          PRINCIPAL activity record existing for the MATURITY
          (maturity date) of a Loan or Deposit transaction for
          inclusion in the interest mismatch information.

LDXPT = This represents the code which will be associated with

          any TAX deducted from principal activities within a Loan
          or Deposit transaction.

LDXPI = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          Principal activity record, existing for the INCREASE in
          principal and will be for Value Date of principal increase.

LDXDG = This represents the code associated with a reduction in

          principal for inclusion in the Gap Analysis.

LDXIC = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          INTEREST activity record existing when a contract
          reaches its interest review date and interest is being
          capitalised.  The date associated with this activity will be
          either the maturity date of the contract if the contract
          has a fixed maturity date and there are no interest
          schedules or the date of the next interest schedule or the
          next interest payment date if it is a call or notice

LDXIT = This represents the code which will be associated with

          any TAX to be deducted from interest on a Loan or
          Deposit transaction and will contain a date equal to the
          next interest payment date.

LDXPG = This represents the code associated with any

          SCHEDULED REPAYMENTS that are due to take place
          during the life of a Loan or Deposit transaction.  Code is
          for inclusion in the interest mismatch information.

Note: If there is a rate revision schedule or rate change date set on the Loan and Deposit record, then an LDXPG will be raised for this date with amount of outstanding principal as at that date. There will be no LDXPG records for future repayment schedule dates and no LDXMG for final maturity date.

LDXCM = This represents the code associated with any

          COMMISSION to be received on a Loan transaction.

LDXCT = This represents the code associated with any TAX amount

          to be deducted from commissions receivable on a Loan

LDXCH = This represents the code associated with any charge

          applicable to a Loan or Deposit transaction.

LDXFE = This represents the code associated with any fees which

          may have been defined on a Loan or Deposit Schedule.

LDaaS = This represents the code(s) which will be associated to

          the cash/gap account activity record(s) generated for
          the PRINCIPAL amount for the Value (start) date on a
          Loan or Deposit contract.

LDaaI = This represents the code(s) which will be associated to

          the cash/gap account activity record(s) generated for
          any Principal Increase on a Loan or Deposit contract.

LDaaD = This represents the code(s) which will be associated to

          the cash/gap account activity record(s) generated for
          any Principal Decrease on a Loan or Deposit contract.

LDaaM = This represents the code(s) which will be associated to

          the cash/gap account activity record(s) generated for
          the Principal at Maturity of a Loan or Deposit contract.

LDaaP = This represents the code(s) which will be associated to

          the cash/gap account activity record(s) generated for
          any any SCHEDULED REPAYMENTS that are due to take
          place during the life of a Loan or Deposit contract.

LDaaN = This represents the code(s) which will be associated to

          the cash/gap account activity record(s) generated for
          any Interest activity deriving from Loan or Deposit
          transaction.  The date associated with this activity will
          be either the maturity date of the contract if the contract
          has a fixed maturity date and there are no interest
          schedules or the date of the next interest schedule or the
          next interest payment date if it is a call or notice

LDaaC = This represents the code(s) which will be associated to

          the cash/gap account activity record(s) generated for
          the Discount taken at the start of a Loan or Deposit

7         MONEY MARKET

MMMPS = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          PRINCIPAL activity record existing for the START
          (value date) of a Money Market Transaction.

MMMPM = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          PRINCIPAL activity record existing for the MATURITY
          (maturity date) of a Money Market transaction.

MMMPI = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          Principal activity record, existing for the INCREASE in
          principal and will be for Value Date of principal increase.

MMMPD = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          Principal activity record existing for repayment of
          principal through either MM.PAYMENT.ENTRY (for
          Liability Contract) or through MM.RECEIPT.ENTRY (for
          Asset Contract) and will be for the Value Date of
          principal repayment.

MMMRM = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          PRINCIPAL activity record existing for the maturity of
          old (original) deal with value date of the old maturity

MMMRS = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          PRINCIPAL activity record existing for the start of the
          new period of a rolled over contract.  The value date will
          be for the old (original) maturity date.

MMMIC = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          INTEREST activity record existing when a contract is
          being rolled over and interest is being capitalised.  The
          date will be the rollover date for the contract.

MMaaS = This represents the code(s) which will be associated to

          the cash/gap account activity record(s) generated for
          the PRINCIPAL amount for the Value (start) date on a
          Money Market contract.

MMaaI = This represents the code(s) which will be associated to

          the cash/gap account activity record(s) generated for
          any Principal Increase on a Money Market contract.

MMaaD = This represents the code(s) which will be associated to

          the cash/gap account activity record(s) generated for
          the Principal activity record existing for repayment of
          principal through either MM.PAYMENT.ENTRY (for
          Liability Contract) or through MM.RECEIPT.ENTRY (for
          Asset Contract) and will be for the Value Date of
          principal repayment.

MMaaM = This represents the code(s) which will be associated to

          the cash/gap account activity record(s) generated for
          the Principal at Maturity of a Money Market contract.

MMaaN = This represents the code(s) which will be associated to

          the cash/gap account activity record(s) generated for
          the INTEREST activity record deriving from a money
          market transaction.  The date associated with this
          activity will be the maturity date of the contract if the
          contract has a fixed maturity date or the next interest
          payment date if it is a call or notice contract.

MMaaR = This represents the code(s) which will be associated to

          the cash/gap account activity record(s) generated for
          the INTEREST  activity  record  existing  for  the
          repayment  of interest on an asset Contract through
          MM.RECEIPT.ENTRY and will be for the value date of
          principal repayment.

8         SECURITIES

SCFCS = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          Currency activity record generated from a Securities
          Transaction impacting the Asset & Liability Currency

SCCSM = This represents the code which is associated to the

          Principal Cash activity record relating to the maturity of
          a security deal outgoing in the bank's own position.

SCGSM = This represents the code which is associated to the

          Principal Interest Mismatch (gap) activity record relating
          to the maturity of a security deal outgoing in the bank's
          own position.

SCSCI = This represents the code which is associated to the cash

          Interest activity record relating to the maturity of a
          security deal outgoing in the bank's own position.

SCaaa = This represents the code(s) which will be associated to

          the cash/gap account activity record(s) generated for
          the for Securities movement at Security trade level.

9         TELLER

TTFXP = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          Currency activity records generated from a Teller
          Transaction impacting the Asset & Liability Currency

TTaaa = This represents the code which will be associated to the

          Cash/Gap activity record generated from any Teller
          transaction.  A Cash activity record is only raised when
          the associated accounting entry is for an Account.

The list of Position Classes that would be required if there were a CASH and GAP requirement to spread the online movements for all applications and to have a split between Non Nostro and Nostro Accounts. The base Position Classes are taken to be:-

ACASC     Cash Non Nostro Accounts. ACAHG     Gap Non Nostro Accounts. ACBSC     Cash Nostro Accounts. ACBHG     Gap Nostro Accounts.

The other Position Class required are: –

DC:       DCASC =   DC – Cash Non Nostro Accounts.

          DCAHG =   DC - Gap Non Nostro Accounts.
          DCBSC =   DC - Cash Nostro Accounts.
          DCBHG =   DC - Gap Nostro Accounts.

FR:       FRASC =   Settlement Amount. Cash Non Nostro.

          FRAHC =   Settlement Amount. Gap Non Nostro.
          FRBSC =   Settlement Amount. Cash Nostro.
          FRBHC =   Settlement Amount. Gap Nostro.
          FRASH =   Estimated Settlement Hedge. Cash Non


          FRAHH =   Estimated Settlement Hedge. Gap Non


          FRBSH =   Estimated Settlement Hedge. Cash Nostro.
          FRBHH =   Estimated Settlement Hedge. Gap Nostro.
          FRAST =   Estimated Settlement Trade. Cash Non


          FRAHT =   Estimated Settlement Trade. Gap Non Nostro.
          FRBST =   Estimated Settlement Trade. Cash Nostro.
          FRBHT =   Estimated Settlement Trade. Gap Nostro.

FT:       FTASC =   FT – Cash Non Nostro Accounts.

          FTAHG =   FT - Gap Non Nostro Accounts.
          FTBSC =   FT - Cash Nostro Accounts.
          FTBHG =   FT - Gap Nostro Accounts.

FX:       FXASS =   Spot Deals. Cash Non Nostro.

          FXAHS =   Spot Deals. Gap Non Nostro.
          FXBSS =   Spot Deals. Cash Nostro.
          FXBHS =   Spot Deals. Gap Nostro.
          FXASF =   Forward non IH deals. Cash Non Nostro.
          FXAHF =   Forward non IH deals. Gap Non Nostro.
          FXBSF =   Forward non IH deals. Cash Nostro.
          FXBHF =   Forward non IH deals. Gap Nostro.
          FXASP =   Notional Principal IH deals. Cash Non


          FXAHP =   Notional Principal IH deals. Gap Non Nostro.
          FXBSP =   Notional Principal IH deals. Cash Nostro.
          FXBHP =   Notional Principal IH deals. Gap Nostro.
          FXASI =   Notional Interest IH deals. Cash Non Nostro.
          FXAHI =   Notional Interest IH deals. Gap Non Nostro.
          FXBSI =   Notional Interest IH deals. Cash Nostro.
          FXBHI =   Notional Interest IH deals. Gap Nostro.

LD:       LDASS =   Principal Start. Cash Non Nostro.

          LDAHS =   Principal Start. Gap Non Nostro.
          LDBSS =   Principal Start. Cash Nostro.
          LDBHS =   Principal Start. Gap Nostro.
          LDASI =   Principal Increase. Cash Non Nostro.
          LDAHI =   Principal Increase. Gap Non Nostro.
          LDBSI =   Principal Increase. Cash Nostro.
          LDBHI =   Principal Increase. Gap Nostro.
          LDASD =   Principal Decrease. Cash Non Nostro.
          LDAHD =   Principal Decrease. Gap Non Nostro.
          LDBSD =   Principal Decrease. Cash Nostro.
          LDBHD =   Principal Decrease. Gap Nostro.
          LDASM =   Principal at Maturity. Cash Non Nostro.
          LDAHM =   Principal at Maturity. Gap Non Nostro.
          LDBSM =   Principal at Maturity. Cash Nostro.
          LDBHM =   Principal at Maturity. Gap Nostro.
          LDASP =   Principal Repayments. Cash Non Nostro.
          LDAHP =   Principal Repayments. Gap Non Nostro.
          LDBSP =   Principal Repayments. Cash Nostro.
          LDBHP =   Principal Repayments. Gap Nostro.
          LDASN =   Interest Payments. Cash Non Nostro.
          LDAHN =   Interest Payments. Gap Non Nostro.
          LDBSN =   Interest Payments. Cash Nostro.
          LDBHN =   Interest Payments. Gap Nostro.
          LDASC =   Discount Taken. Cash Non Nostro.
          LDAHC =   Discount Taken. Gap Non Nostro.
          LDBSC =   Discount Taken. Cash Nostro.
          LDBHC =   Discount Taken. Gap Nostro.

MM        MMASS =   Principal Start. Cash Non Nostro.

          MMAHS =   Principal Start. Gap Non Nostro.
          MMBSS =   Principal Start. Cash Nostro.
          MMBHS =   Principal Start. Gap Nostro.
          MMASI =   Principal Increase. Cash Non Nostro.
          MMAHI =   Principal Increase. Gap Non Nostro.
          MMBSI =   Principal Increase. Cash Nostro.
          MMBHI =   Principal Increase. Gap Nostro.
          MMASD =   Principal Repayment. Cash Non Nostro.
          MMAHD =   Principal Repayment. Gap Non Nostro.
          MMBSD =   Principal Repayment. Cash Nostro.
          MMBHD =   Principal Repayment. Gap Nostro.
          MMASM =   Principal at Maturity. Cash Non Nostro.
          MMAHM =   Principal at Maturity. Gap Non Nostro.
          MMBSM =   Principal at Maturity. Cash Nostro.
          MMBHM =   Principal at Maturity. Gap Nostro.
          MMASN =   Interest Payments. Cash Non Nostro.
          MMAHN =   Interest Payments. Gap Non Nostro.
          MMBSN =   Interest Payments. Cash Nostro.
          MMBHN =   Interest Payments. Gap Nostro.
          MMASR =   Interest Repayments. Cash Non Nostro.
          MMAHR =   Interest Repayments. Gap Non Nostro.
          MMBSR =   Interest Repayments. Cash Nostro.
          MMBHR =   Interest Repayments. Gap Nostro.

SC:       SCASC =   Deal level Movement. Cash Non Nostro.

          SCAHG =   Deal level Movement. Gap Non Nostro.
          SCBSC =   Deal level Movement. Cash Nostro.
          SCBHG =   Deal Level Movement - Gap Nostro.

TT:       TTASC =   Teller – Cash Non Nostro Accounts.

          TTAHG =   Teller - Gap Non Nostro Accounts.
          TTBSC =   Teller - Cash Nostro Accounts.
          TTBHG =   Teller - Gap Nostro Accounts.

Modifications à apporter au module PM pour le rendre EURO- compatible.

Rappel :

Le module PM est basé sur

• Des enquiries (CAS.BKCP, GAP.BKCP,…) qui se basent sur une table interne de suivi positions : PM.POSN.REAL.TIME

• Une table PM.POSN.REFERENCE dans laquelle des codes montants sont affectés et  alimentent la table PM.POSN.REAL.TIME.

Une autre série d’enquiries (PM.CAS, PM.GAP,…) peuvent se lancer parallèlement, et donnent potentiellement les mêmes résultats. Elles se fondent sur la même table interne, les mêmes codes montants, mais utilisent en plus une table de mise en forme intermédiaire : PM.ENQ.PARAM

Dans cette dernière, le module EURO permet de faire apparaître l’ensemble des mouvements sur devises IN convertis en EUR et consolidés sur une ligne EUR.

L’objectif est donc de migrer vers ces nouvelles enquiries après :

	Avoir configuré PM.ENQ.PARAM

Avoir défini les enquiries de substitution / supplémentaires S’être assuré de la pérennité des résultats existants

Exemple de définition de PM.ENQ.PARAM :

Exécution :


test (esc1) G9.0.04     ENQUIRY, INPUT                              REF PM.CAS

                                                [EQ NE LK UL GT LT GE LE RG NR]

 <r>  CCY                 EQ  EUR
      PM.ENQ.PARAM        EQ  CAS

 (6) Pre-set Selection.....
 (9.1) Sort Field..........
 (10.1) Fixed Selection....
 (11.1) Fixed Sort Fields..
 12 Print all pages (Y/N)..

Résultat :

test (esc1) G9.0.04             Cash Flow                KEY :             EUR

      Date          Amount In      Amount Out       Amount Net   Amt Carry Fwd

 1  30-09-98    +8,858,361.45  -44,466,890.00   -35,608,528.55   -35,608,528.55

 2  01-10-98   +67,898,837.36 -120,775,528.70   -52,876,691.34   -88,485,219.89

 3  02-10-98    +1,392,170.16   -4,490,777.72    -3,098,607.56   -91,583,827.45

 4  05-10-98   +10,000,000.00  -66,375,539.43   -56,375,539.43  -147,959,366.88

 5  06-10-98            +0.00     -178,821.11      -178,821.11  -148,138,187.99

 6  07-10-98   +76,458,054.27  -34,568,082.18   +41,889,972.09  -106,248,215.90

 7  08-10-98   +14,464,901.35   -3,984,178.09   +10,480,723.26   -95,767,492.64

 8  09-10-98   +14,472,301.16   -1,581,768.06   +12,890,533.10   -82,876,959.54

Détail du 30-09-98 :

test (esc1) G9.0.04     Transaction Details                                EUR

      Value  Transaction      CCY    Transaction    Transaction        Total In
      Date   Reference                 Amount           Total            EUR

 1  30/09/98 DIARSC982720001|.800    -23,239,866
 2           DIARSC982720001|.800     23,239,866              0            0.00
 3           MM9817700032     DEM     180,324.15
 4           MM9817700032     DEM        -202.53
 5           MM9817700032     DEM       1,147.70     181,269.32       91,671.46
 6           MM9823600010     BEF         69,945
 7           MM9823600010     BEF     20,000,000     20,069,945      499,040.09
 8           MM9823800009     BEF         82,466
 9           MM9823800009     BEF     25,000,000     25,082,466      623,676.64

10           MM9823900010     FRF      -1,512.00 11           MM9823900010     FRF    -540,000.00    -541,512.00      -81,653.11 12           MM9823900011     ITL -4,700,000,000 13           MM9823900011     ITL    -19,387,500 -4,719,387,500   -2,449,955.44 14           MM9823900012     XEU  -2,500,000.00

 1           MM9823900012     XEU      -8,500.00  -2,508,500.00   -2,508,500.00
 1           PM9826700036     FRF      26,997.00      26,997.00        4,070.80
 2           PM9826700040     DEM      11,467.00      11,467.00        5,799.09
 3           PM9826700049     ATS       8,423.00       8,423.00          614.36
 4           PM9826700060     FRF     708,790.00     708,790.00      106,876.50
 5           PM9826700069     FRF     134,887.00     134,887.00       20,339.24
 6           PM9826700076     DEM      17,712.00      17,712.00        8,957.31
 7           PM9826700085     DEM      77,085.00      77,085.00       38,983.40
 8           PM9826700094     BEF     54,847,686     54,847,686    1,363,790.18
 9           PM9826800029     FRF     -13,057.71     -13,057.71       -1,968.94

10           PM9826800056     BEF     30,423,562     30,423,562      756,483.24


     Total For Period                                             35,608,528.55



• indique les modules opérationnels dans PM (# 3.x). Le champs 2 précise si l’on est en phase de paramétrage des états (CA), et impliquant alors un recalcul tous les soirs des positions, ou en phase « live » (NAU), qui se dispense des recalculs (temps du Batch réduit).

• Pour inclure un nouveau module, il faut passer par le programme PM.UPDATE.APPL, créer une clé « ADD » : l’EOD ajoutera automatiquement le(s) module(s) indiqué(s) dans la liste des application de PM.PARAMETER (champs 3.x). La procédure est identique si on souhaite enlever une module, choisir simplement la clé « DELETE » à la place.

Enquiries basées sur le GAP :

• Pour inclure les opérations Forex Swap, partie terme, il faut utiliser FXSWM dans PM.POSN.REFERENCE.• Sur les opérations titres, le champs 10 de PM.SC.PARAM permet de faire apparaitre soit le taux nominal, soit le Yield to Maturity (Taux de rendement à l’échéance). Ceci est utile pour les obligations zéro coupon. Le système va alors rechercher le contenu du champs 32 de SECURITY.SUPP. Le champs 8 permet de décider de l’horizon traité : pour les portefeuilles d’investissement, en général = MAT ; pour les portefeuilles trading, = 3W.• Les titres du type FRN apparaissent pour la prochaine échéance seulement et avec le taux courant (traitement différent de CAS).

Enquiries basées sur le CAS :

• Bug jusqu’en G11.0.01 : Interest at maturity missing (SCSCI) from PM.TRAN.ACTIVITY.• Les titres du type FRN apparaissent avec une projection jusqu’à la maturité, en crystalisant le taux courant. (traitement différent de GAP)


• Le champs 23 permet de projeter ou non les échéanciers jusqu’aux dates de maturité. (problème d’optimisation des temps de réponse).

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